Friday, February 22, 2013

Western Cup Trading Card Order!

Hello there everyone! Thanks so much for your interest in the trading cards! We had a great time making them, and we love it when you like them.

Here's the rundown on what your options are -

1. A random pack of 9 cards for $5. This is what you would have purchased at the tournament. These can include rare cards such as Snitchquoia, Tom Marks, and Quidcest. You can buy as many random packs as you'd like, but keep in mind that these may include duplicates.

2. A custom pack of 9 cards for $7. This can be 9 of yourself, one of your entire team plus two of your favorite people, whatever. These CANNOT include rare cards. (If you have a strong argument for why you would like to buy rare cards in a custom pack, email us and we'll consider it, but please remember that what makes them rare is that we don't print many of them. There were going to be less than 10 of each rare card, and only 5 of some of them, had our original print not gone awry - in perspective, we were going to print 20 of each player.) You can buy as many custom packs as you'd like. There is an option for 'notes' on PayPal, and this is where you'll tell us what cards you'd like.

3. A full set of all 117 cards (yes, including rare cards) for $60. This guarantees you'll receive every single card. You can buy as many full sets as you'd like... though we're not really sure why you'd need more than one.

Then of course comes the matter of shipping. As originally promised, we're happy to ship to a team or a single player on a team to cut down on shipping costs for both you and us. Team/bulk shipping will be $10. Individual shipping will be $5. If you are doing team shipping but having separate individuals order, only have one person purchase shipping, and include in the PayPal notes that you are with a specific group, so we don't send you unhappy emails. Please be honest on this. Printing these cards and shipping them costs us money, and as I'm sure all of you are aware, quidditch teams are definitely not made of money.

We will try and have these cards (along with Snow Cup cards, if you ordered those) shipped within the next 3-4 weeks. Please be patient as we're currently designing cards for the Spring Breakout tournament as well as World Cup. :)

And last but not least, you'll find the PayPal button on the right sidebar. Make sure you're ordering for the right tournament, as Snow Cup reprints are also included there. If you'd like Snow Cup cards, you're welcome to buy some of those as well. :)

If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at utahquidditchcards[at]gmail[dot]com. :)

Thanks so much everyone! This project wouldn't be possible without all of you.

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